Saturday, April 25, 2015


Hey yall!
This week was crazy i can't remember all that happened! Except we went to the Temple! and it rained all week the sun is finally out today though! and it feels so nice!

Frankie was set for church but he got food poisoning the night before so he didn't make it :( we have a great week planned this week! i am excited for it!

Spanish is ruining my vocab as we study for an hr each day haha but it's coming a long! thank you for all your support! i love and miss you guys!

sorry this email is short!

-Sister Berryman

1st pic- i was half awake we woke up so early to get to the temple but it was a great session and i got see Sister Carlson who i lived with in Sharpsburg! She is a Temple worker :)
2 pic our Mission Pres. had surgery was we did a get well 'card' 


Hermana Webb is Here! She is the Salt Lake Valley from Utah- shocker another comp. from Utah;) She is one of the first Sisters in the mission to be speaking Spanish- She has only been practicing for 6 weeks and is now teaching me. She's amazing!

 it's been raining a lot...and it's supposed to rain all week this week sorry for the delay on pictures!
This week was long but it was still a great week!  
This coming week we get to go to the temple and i am super excited for that!!!
We have been having great success on our investigators which is a bonus! Thank you for the prayers and support! Love y'all!

-Sister Berryman


So this week was great it went by so fast! One of the days of the week (when it was not pourin buckets) we went to the park and took pictures!
General Conference was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! :) We had two investigators come to the first session, and they came with a question for themselves personally, and they received their answer!! I am so excited for them! They are golden! :)  Elder Nielson's talk from yesterday really stuck out to me, i was in tears.
It was such a beautiful talk! And i could feel his love and the saviors love and understanding!:)

Yesterday we were notified that we would need to find a ride to transfers from our DL, i was shocked, and Sister Hendricks and I only get one transfer together! The A.P's called us today and she will be transferred. I will be remaining in Cedartown! AND...I am training AGAIN! I AM SO EXCITED AND.....she is Spanish speaking...they did this with the elders last transfer, Elder chamberlain and Elder Kersey (elder Kersey is a Spanish Elder) and Elder chamberlain is now learning Spanish with him, i will be learning Spanish and training a new missionary at the same time! No i am not stressed I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS....the lord does not cease to stretch me like silly putty though :)

It will really benefit the Branch for sure and help those who are less active (Spanish families) come back :)
we drove to Alabama to see a less active family and the view was BREATH TAKING I love this mission so much :)